WSDM (pronounced “wisdom”) is the premier international ACM conference covering research in the areas of search and data mining on the Web. The 4th ACM WSDM Conference will take place in Hong Kong, during February 9-12, 2011.
WSDM publishes original, high quality papers and presentations related to search and data mining on the Web and the Social Web, with an emphasis on practical but principled novel models of search, retrieval and data mining, algorithm design and analysis, economics implications, and in-depth experimental analysis of accuracy and performance.
To learn more about WSDM2011 in a Welcome Message from the General Chair, please click here.
The official WSDM2011 conference site is the Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel and Towers, located along Victoria Harbour at the top of Kowloon's Gold Mile. It is in the business and shopping district, near the ferry terminal and Mass Transit Railway (MTR). Hong Kong International Airport is 35 minutes away.
To learn more about transportation to the venue and hotel, please click on travel and venue.
February 23, 2011. WSDM2011 photos are available <
February 23, 2011. Help us to improve future WSDM conferences by taking the WSDM2011 on-line survey <
January 27, 2011. The WSDM2011 Program is now available
January 24, 2011. The Best Paper Award candidates list is available
here. The final announcement of the Best Paper and Best Student Paper will be made at the WSDM2011 Awards Banquet on Friday, February 11, 2011.
January 24, 2011. We have updated the travel information from the airport to the conference and hotel venue. For more information, please click
January 24, 2011. Room assignments are now available. Please check your respective
tutorials, etc. for more information.
January 10, 2011. Congratulations to the grant awardees! More information is available
November 14, 2010.
A tentative overview of the program is available
A tentative of the session schedule is available
A tentative of the poster schedule is available
October 27, 2010.
Instructions for authors is available
Registration information is available
Hotel accommodation information is available
Information on WSDM2011 travel grants is available
October 23, 2010. Information on WSDM2011 tutorials is available
October 15, 2010.
The Keynote Speakers for WSDM2011 are Christos Faloutsos (Professor, Department of Computer Science, CMU) and Harry Shum (VP of Search Product Development, Microsoft). More information about the speakers is available
WSDM2011 paper notification has been sent out. We received 372 submissions, a new record for the conference. The Program Committee was able to accept 83 full-length regular papers in total (an acceptance rate of 22.3%). Among them, 32 of the papers (8.6%) were accepted for oral-and-poster presentations, and 51 (13.7%) for poster-only presentations. The list of accepted papers is available
August 6, 2010. The Call For Tutorial Proposals is now available
here. The deadline to submit tutorial proposals is September 1, 2010.
June 8, 2010. All accepted papers are published in the ACM Digital Library. Selected accepted papers will be invited to submit their expanded versions for publication in the ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ACM TIST, through an expedient review and publication process.
May 2010. The Call for Workshop Proposals is now available. Submit your workshop proposals by July 25 using the following templates [
pdf |
doc ]. More information on the workshop is available
April 2010. The Program Committee has been formed. Please refer to the
Program Committee page for more information.
WSDM is co-sponsored by ACM SIGIR, SIGKDD, SIGMOD, and SIGWEB.